The Watery Personality

Know your personality

The Watery Personality

  • 1
    Is your face round?
  • 2
    Is your color pale or white?
  • 3
    Do you have a large head?
  • 4
    Do you have large cheeks?
  • 5
    Do you have small shoulders?
  • 6
    Do you have a large belly?
  • 7
    Do you have loose skin?
  • 8
    Do you naturally tend towards fear and feeling guilty?
  • 9
    Do you tend to express yourself in a fearful manner?
Add a heading 528 x 287 px 4

If most of your answers were yes, then you have a watery temperament, belonging to the element of water, which has the properties or functions of moisturizing and cooling. The water element is associated with the kidneys and bladder, and directionally with the north. In the body, it is associated with bones, in senses with the ears, and in taste with the salty flavor. It corresponds to the winter season and emotionally with fear. Water generates wood and controls fire. The biological clock for water and the kidneys is from 5 to 7 in the evening. The sound of the watery personality is like that of the fearful. Therefore, most of their illnesses are related to the kidneys, and they suffer from urogenital problems such as urinary incontinence, among other accompanying diseases.

You do not belong to this personality.