The Fiery Personality

Know your personality

The fiery personality

  • 1
    Is your face reddish or prone to blushing?
  • 2
    Is your head small and triangular?
  • 3
    Do you have broad shoulders?
  • 4
    Do you have short arms and legs?
  • 5
    Do you naturally tend towards excessive laughter and find anything funny?
  • 6
    Does your personality resemble Donald Trump?
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If most of your answers were yes, then you have a fiery temperament, and most of your illnesses tend to affect the heart and intestines, among others.

Fire is associated with qualities or functions of heat, warmth, and the organ linked to it is the heart. It is associated directionally with the south. Concerning the body, the fire element is associated with the pulse and is linked to the senses in the tongue, taste with the gallbladder flavor in the morning. In terms of seasons, it’s associated with summer and the biological clock of the heart between 11 am and 1 pm. Its sound is tweeting, and emotionally it’s linked with joy. Therefore, most heart diseases affect artists and singers with heart attacks, among others. Fire warms the earth and controls metals.

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